By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
Who are we?
1335 is a community group for middle and high school students in the area from grades 5-12.
When do we meet?
Starting in the fall, we meet every Wednesday at the Bridge from 6-8pm. 6-6:30pm will be a meal, and 6:30-8pm group activity and teaching and small group. The second Wednesday of each month is Worship Night featuring God Stories.
For info on future gatherings, please text @1335youth to 81010.
Why do we meet?
You'll face the question of God/Jesus at some point if you haven't already. We'd love to explore that with you, in the hopes that you find hope and faith in Jesus Christ so He can impact your lives as He has ours. Whether you walk as a believer, skeptic, or have no idea Jesus is more than a term of astonishment, we welcome you. Our goal is not to make you a rule follower or good person, we want you to know the Gospel and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ where you experience full life transformation.
There is no prerequisite - come as you are.