Support the Youth
Below are some ways you can help support our students and Youth Ministry.
This March, we are attending the Ignite Student Leadership Conference in Iowa. We have a great number of students going so we will likely need another 15-passenger van. We also have some students needing financial assistance. If you’d like to help support us or sponsor a youth in need so they can participate, please reach out about donating or give online by selecting Iowa Youth Conference in the dropdown. Any amounts are appreciated!
Each Wednesday we aim to provide a meal for students who often come directly from school after a long day of classes and practice. The majority of the time, we have aound ~50 students. If you can pick one night to supply food, please use the signup below
Gift Cards
We hope to give away one $5 gift card each meeting. Every student who turns in their phone during 1335 is eligible to win a $5 gift card via a random drawing at the end of the night (students without phones are also eligible). In addition, we sometimes give away gift cards to the winner of a game or to interactive students who answer questions during the teaching.
If you can help stock our gift cards, we’d love the help! We appreciate gift cards in $5 amounts. Feel free to choose the type of gift card, but good examples are Dairy Queen, Kwik Trip, and Culvers - coffee shops and other stores work too! If you have more questions or would like to contribute, please contact us. For a less expensive option, we also appreciate $1 candy bars. We use $1 size candy bars for prizes.
Prayer is a pillar of our church, and we’d love your intercessory prayers. Thriving ministries are founded in prayer, and it can’t be something we ever stop building from. We cannot do this on our own. Jesus lived in full dependence on the Holy Spirit in prayer, so we do too.