What We Believe
The Nature of God
God eternally exists as three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and is the sovereign Creator of all things (Genesis 1:1). We affirm the mystery of the Trinity and seek to do life in community as modeled by God himself.
(Deuteronomy 6:4; 2 Corinithians 13:14)
The Bible
We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the verbally inspired, perfect, trustworthy and sufficient word of God, the final authority for faith and life.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)
The Purpose of God
Everyone and everything has been made by God and for God and therefore all glory belongs to him.
(Colossians 1:15-20)
Human Nature
God made man – male and female – in his own image, as the crown of creation so that man might glorify him through enjoying fellowship with him.
(Genesis 1:27)
The world is fallen, and all humanity is separated from God because of sin.
(Genesis 3; Romans 3:23)
The Nature of Jesus
Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who was born of a virgin and is both fully God and fully human and absolutely sinless and perfect.
(John 1:1-2; Luke 1:35)
Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
Jesus Christ died on the cross, rose from the dead, appeared to many and ascended to heaven.
(1 Corinthians 15:1-8)
Salvation comes through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross plus nothing on the part of humanity.
(Ephesians 2:1-10)
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, seals at conversion, gifts, guides and empowers the believer and the church.
(John 16:5-15; Ephesians 1:13; Acts 1:8)
The Church
The church is the body of Christ, with Christ as the head, and functions to fulfill the mission of God.
(1 Corinthians 12)
Jesus’ Second Coming
Jesus will one day physically return, and there will be a final judgment.
(Matthew 24,25)
The Eternal State of Humanity
All people who have faith in Jesus Christ will spend eternity with God in his Kingdom, and all people who do not have faith in Jesus Christ will spend eternity separated from God in hell.
(Matthew 25; John 5:24; Revelation 20:11-15)
The Gospel
What is the Gospel?
The Gospel. Maybe you've heard this word a thousand times or never heard it before until now. Regardless, the Gospel is the best thing in the world. More specifically, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news in the world. In a day and age where all we seem to hear is bad news, it should encourage your heart to know that there is such a thing as good news. And I'm not talking about the good news that is good today, but is gone tomorrow. I'm talking about good news that has been good from day one and will always be good news. Now that, my friend, is something to consider. Good news that will always remain good news.
So what is this Gospel, this so-called "good news" concerning Christ? What's so great? What's so good about the Gospel of Jesus?
First and foremost, this gospel message is all about Jesus. It's all about who Jesus was and is. It's about what He said. It's about what He did. The entire Bible as we know it speaks about Jesus, from beginning to end. Yes, that's right. The Bible is wholly and entirely about the revelation of God's plan for all of creation through Jesus. The Bible tells us about this Gospel message, this good news about Jesus.
We Stiff-Armed God
Here's the deal. You and I were made to worship. I mean, you and I were made to worship and adore, from day one, the God who created us. But the problem is that from day one, from the very beginning, we rejected this idea of worshiping God and decided that we'd like to do things our way. The very idea of worshiping God turned into us worshiping ourselves and creation. We rejected God the creator and instead began to worship everything but the creator God. Ourselves. Others. Sex. Pleasure. Happiness. Children. Cars. Women. Men. Whatever. Anything and everyone but God. You see, you and I were created to have a perfect relationship with God, the creator and sustainer of the heavens and earth. And we stiff-armed him. We said, "no thanks, I'll have it my way." I mean, that's a crazy thing to imagine, us rejecting God, but indeed that is what happened—from the very beginning of time, starting with Adam and Eve. And since then, every single man, woman, and child has followed suit. We passed on the tradition. Let's call it what it really is. Sin. In rejecting God as the centerpiece, we sinned against him—a crime that is punishable by death. That's right. We decided that we'd like to be our own little gods and, as a result, deserve death. So far this doesn't sound like good news at all, right? I mean, where's this all going. Stay with me.
Exchanging the Truth for a Lie...
So here's the deal. God created us to worship him and be in perfect fellowship with him, and we decide to blow him off and give him the good old, "no thanks, I'll pass. I'd rather do things my way." And so we go about our lives trying to call the shots, declaring what is good and bad for ourselves and for others. We think that this brings us happiness when in fact, it brings us death. We exchanged the truth for a lie. The lie is that we were designed and created to worship ourselves. The truth is that we were designed and created to worship God.
And so God looks at his creation and what does he see? He sees many rebellious men, women, and children who have rejected him, so what does he do? What would you do? What if you created an empire, created an entire community, and after all was said and done, the community that you created rejected you? What would you do? I'll tell you what I might do, but it gets interesting here. Here's where the good news begins to unfold.
The Good News Unfolds...
You see, even though we rejected God, God saw it fit to pursue us even further. If you read Genesis 3, this was his plan from the very beginning. God knew from day one what would happen, so he had come up with a plan. It was an incredible plan. It's unthinkable, but God did it anyway.
Despite our sin against the creator of the heavens and the earth, our pride, arrogance, and filth against God, he saw it fit to intervene. Jesus, who is God in the flesh, took it upon himself to fix the situation, to reconcile the broken relationship. That's right, even though you and I were in the wrong and the ones who should have taken the initiative to fix the relationship, God stepped in and provided the way.
Jesus entered the scene. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless and perfect life. Yes, that's right, Jesus came to rescue you and I from the death that we deserve as a result of our sin. Even though Jesus lived a sinless life, he took on the punishment of death for you and me. During his life here on earth, Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God, about a message of love and forgiveness, and acceptance. He talked about all of this being fulfilled through his own life. He healed the sick, forgave the sins of sinners, preached about the kingdom of God, and then died a sinner's death. But he didn't stay in the ground for long. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating sin and death. And he left a clear message to all of those willing to listen. And his message has been proclaimed ever since. The message is simple.
Jesus took on sin and death for you and I. God so desired that you and I have life that he was willing to sacrifice everything to get the point across. You and I are guilty. We are sinful, death-deserving people who have been given a way out. We've been offered a lifeline. Jesus provided a way for you and I to be rescued from death and hell by willingly laying down his life. And so when we trust in Christ, when we repent, turn from our sins and trust in who Jesus says he is, our sins are forgiven, and we are declared righteous before God! Yes, that's right, in Christ, we are saints and no longer sinners.
This, my friends, is the most significant news you'll ever hear. It's the best possible news. The gospel message of Jesus Christ is life-giving. It is life-transforming. It turns darkness into life. It delivers you and me from sin and hell to righteousness and everlasting life.
Without the Gospel, there is no hope. Without the Gospel, there is sin, death, and darkness. Without the Gospel, there is no good news.