Who We Are

The Bridge Bible Church exists to lead everyone toward full life development in Jesus Christ.

The Bridge Bible Church has four strategic pillars that provide the filter or lens through which every decision must be evaluated to ensure all that we put our hands to aligns with the Bridge mission statement and glorifies God. While our core values at the bottom describe our being, our four pillars below show our doing.


Know and Go. We desire to be a church that makes disciples who make disciples. To this end, we strive to know Christ intimately and deeply. Wherever we go (including where we live and work), we witness and take every available opportunity to share and teach all that Christ commanded us. Within the body, we use our small groups and classes to deepen our understanding of Christ and His Word. Our mission team looks for and provides various opportunities locally and abroad to go and share the gospel. 


We were designed for community. A key part of that is one-anothering well. The New Testament is full of challenges to “one another”, to actually “do” something towards another person. These behaviors come from an overflow of our relationship with Jesus, and they are about sharpening, challenging, and building one-another up. If a person only attends the Sunday Gatherings, they can easily feel disconnected. Needs can be missed, and transparency doesn’t happen well. Community groups are where we make the effort to go deeper and develop honest, grace-filled relationships with accountability.


The heart of prayer is communication with God. Praying together strengthens the bond we have as the family of God, so both private and corporate prayer are important parts of the life of the church. This act of trusting and worshiping God, of asking and interceding, and of submitting to His leadership, is integral to truly striving together as one for the sake of the gospel.


Our goal is to draw a person’s mind and heart—from the moment they arrive until the moment they leave—toward Christ. We want to take a few elements and bring them together in such a way that it helps people to connect to truth and apply or respond to it in positive ways. The service serves as a time of celebration and worship, evangelism and learning, community with God and with man, and a time of prayer.


Core Values

And Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and Prophets.
— Matthew 22:37-40

We introduce everyone to Christ, helping them to become more like Him, loving God and loving others in their own unique way. 

The three values listed below describe who we strive to become as we follow Jesus. These values enable us to stay focused on our mission as we proclaim the gospel through word and deed to those around us. As a body of believers, we understand, embrace, and strive to attain each of these Christ-like traits.


We all need Christ. I need you and you need me.


The Gospel message permeates all we do.

Scripture Based Authority

An acknowledgement of Scripture being written by God for us and therefore applicable, authoritative, sufficient and inerrant.