Sunday Service
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
Matthew 18:20
Our goal is to draw a person’s mind and heart—from the moment they arrive until the moment they leave—toward Christ. We want to take a few elements and bring them together in such a way that it helps people to connect to truth and apply or respond to it in positive ways. The service serves as a time of celebration and worship, evangelism and learning, community with God and with man, and a time of prayer.
Sundays at 10am
701 Rivard Street, Somerset, WI 54025
You should expect to be welcomed into an environment where we will do everything we can to serve you as you make your way around! We realize it is a big step to connect with a new church and so we do all we can to be user-friendly. For more on our services and common questions about our Church in general, please see our FAQ.
Sunday Morning Child Care
The nursery is provided for children from birth to three years old. The nursery is open starting 10 minutes before service starts.
KidZone is for our school-aged children in grades four years old - 4th grade. The kids in Kidzone join their families during praise and worship and are dismissed to class after worship and during announcements. (If you would like to volunteer, please let us know here.)
For the Livestream, use the link above to go to our Youtube channel and subscribe.