The Gospel is the single most important message affecting humanity. It needs to be shared with a lost and dying world. Following Christ in His mission is inviting others to join in our rescue.
Know and Go. We desire to be a church that makes disciples who make disciples. To this end, we strive to know Christ intimately and deeply. Wherever we go (including where we live and work), we witness and take every available opportunity to share and teach all that Christ commanded us. Within the body, we use our small groups and classes to deepen our understanding of Christ and His Word. Our mission team looks for and provides various opportunities locally and abroad to go and share the gospel.
Local Missions
Grace Place
Our goal is to promote self-sufficiency by providing a safe and secure environment giving individuals the opportunity to overcome unresolved issues. Through education, individuals are encouraged to be responsible for themselves and others. We provide the skills to make appropriate choices for a healthy value system creating strong families and safe communities. Upon departing from our programs we want to ensure all clients are permanently housed and have a relapse prevention plan in place. By offering educational opportunities and access to all community assistance programs, we provide the tools for continued success.
Check their Facebook page to learn more about their current donation needs: facebook.com/GracePlaceSalvationArmy
The Somerset Food Pantry is up and running! The Somerset Community Food Pantry (SCFP) operates in their new building next to the Somerset Post Office.
Currently, they need canned chicken, tomato sauce, mayo, soups, sugar, tissues and lysol wipes.
Check their Facebook page to learn more about their current donation needs: facebook.com/www.somersetfoodpantry.org
International Missions
On February 3, Converge missionary Jody Carrell deployed to Edinburgh, Scotland, where she joined Converge ministry partner Alliance for Transatlantic Training (AT3). She serves in Edinburgh’s Oxgangs community as a staff member at Oxgangs Community Church. Congratulations to Jody and AT3 as they begin their ministry together.
Founded by the Gaede family (from New Richmond, WI), Tutapona is a non-profit organization committed to addressing the pain and trauma associated with war and violence. For the past 8 years, Tutapona has operated out of Uganda, and has provided trauma rehabilitation to more than 36,000 refugees. We encourage you to support them both in prayer, and financially as they continue to provide rehabilitation to Syrian, Kurdish, and Yazidi brothers and sisters who have been scarred by the effects of the conflict around them. Learn more about their mission, and how you can partner with them at www.tutapona.com
Wycliffe Bible Translators
The Bridge Bible Church helps support Bible Translation ministry with Wycliffe in Ethiopia. Learn more about Wycliffe, and how you can support them financially at www.wycliffe.org/partner