
Below is sort of the dream list for the year, containing the hopes and needs of the 1335 ministry. It’s not necessarily a final list, and all positions might not come to fruition, but below is both an explanation of the needs and a survey for your input.

Meals Team Admin - I’ll have a signup sheet online for parents like previous years, this person would just be responsible for any questions as well as coordinating any volunteers that we’ll utilize to help setup/serve/cleanup.

Missions Team Admin - This person will help get people permission slips and collect them for any outreach/fellowship events requiring permission slips. This person will also assist with any summer mission trip planning.

Greeting Team Admin - This person will work with the student greeting team we plan to develop. Help set the schedule and coordinate the kids to ensure a few kids are intentional about greeting attendees as they come to group (both new and old).

Student Leadership Meetings - This person would sit in on the student leadership meetings with myself and help develop and guide them as leaders. Time/Frequency of meetings to be determined.

Games Team Organizer - Work with student leadership team and/or Teaching lead for the week to decide on the game or social activity. Help implement and explain the game.

Communications Admin or Assistant - Potentially helping with communication amongst leaders, students, and/or parents. Potential avenues channels include text, email and/or social media.

Winter Retreat Planning - Hoping to develop a Winter Retreat for the first weekend in February. Would work with myself and the student leadership team to help develop agenda, needs, facility etc…

Lock-In Planning - Thinking this would be second weekend of November. Would work with myself and student leadership team to help secure sponsors, prizes, organize activities and secure any needed venues and rides.