Thank you so much for serving this past year! Please complete the leader survey below at your earliest convenience. Name * First Name Last Name What would you consider the biggest thing to celebrate this past year in our youth ministry? Are there any stories to share regarding spiritual milestones in your small group? What would you considerate the biggest struggle this past year in our youth ministry? Can you name one thing you'd consider adding to the ministry or changing going forward? Which dates are you available for a leader appreciation dinner? * Please check all that apply Fri June 28 Wed July 10 Wed July 17 Wed July 24 Sat July 27 Do you plan to continue as a Youth Leader next year? * Yes No Undecided Please list any feedback you've heard from students and/or parents that would be helpful in shaping the Youth Ministry going forward Thank you!Thank you for taking the time to complete this (and more importantly serve). Stay tuned for more info on the leader gratitude dinner and summer youth events.