How is God inspiring you? The idea of #creatingBridges is to create something to glorify God, that through sharing might foster a bridge between God and someone not connected to Him.
We encourage you to listen along on Sunday and then create something based off of God’s word. If not from the Sunday Sermon, then perhaps from your bible reading time. God created us in His image, therefore we are made to create as well. So using whichever gifts he’s given you, we’d love for you to create something to glorify God and share it online to encourage others (paint, draw, sculpt, write, record, animate, etc… be creative!)
This is also a great opportunity to include younger kids- have them listen along and color something based off of what Pastor Rob says and we’ll share it.
Send your creations to be posted below to contact@thebridgewired.com. Lastly, if you are on social media, please post them using the hashtag #creatingBridges so we can all follow along together.
Elsie is thankful for our new chickens and the five eggs they consistently provide every day.
Rock of Ages
The strong repeating waves beat hard against my soul.
But I know, O Lord,
that You are in complete control!
I hide myself in You
as You keep me safe in the cleft of Your Rock.
I seek Your Kingdom first
to trust and honor You
for You supply my every need.
I feel so weak and small in this world of uncertainties
but You promised to use me by Your grace
for Your specific purposes.
Therefore, I do not compare myself to others
or worry about what they think of me
or fret about what I’m to do.
For I ask You, Lord, to search my heart
to test and try me
and show me what I need to change
so You can mold and shape me to reflect you fully
as I submit my will to You.
And even if I drift away and feel alone and scared
You will never leave my side
and will carry me back within Your arms
for in You I will always hide.
By, Susan Margaret Anderson, August 2020
(See: Psalm 61, 62, 139; Jeremiah 29:11-14; Lamentations 3:19-33; Matthew 5:1-12, 6:9-15, 25-34; Mark 11:22-25; John 14-17; Romans 8; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Ephesians 3:14-21; Philippians 4:19-20; Colossians 3:1-17; Hebrews 11:6)
Healing Rain
Lord, rain down upon me Your grace.
For I have been ashamed of all my mistakes
and I repent of my rebellious ways.
Replace these prickly thorns
with the fruit of Your Spirit
that I present to You
with a thankful heart that overflows.
Wash me clean and strengthen me.
Help me to see that You alone bring victory!
Shine Your Son-Light upon me
so I can sparkle Your healing dew.
For You have made me new
and I give all the glory to You!
You have nourished me by Your Word
and revived my withering, selfish soul.
I am secure and content in You.
Gratefully, I share of Who You are
and how You paid the debt for me
when You died on the Cross at Calvary
and rose to life victoriously!
And I know I will live forevermore
in Heaven with You
where pain and sorrow
exist no more.
By, Susan Margaret Anderson, August 2020
(See: Job 42:1-6; Jeremiah 17:5-10; John 14-15; 2 Corinthians 3:17-4:18; Ephesians 2:1-10; Philippians 4:4-13; Colossians 3:1-17; Hebrews 9-11:1; 1 Peter 1:13-25; Revelation 21)