Just Jesus

Then Phillip opened his mouth, and beginning from the Scripture he preached Jesus to Him
— Acts 8:35

In Acts 8 we see the story where Phillip is called to go to a desert road and preach the good news to the Ethiopian eunuch. As fascinating and rich as that story is, I would like to draw our attention to the concept of verse 35. Phillip “beginning from the scriptures preached Jesus to him.” How simple is that? In that short verse we see the core foundation of the Christian faith. It is just Jesus. Phillip summed up that all of scripture points to Jesus. 

We see evidence of the scriptures pointing to Jesus starting in Genesis from the creation to the fall of man and then in all the great stories of the Old Testament, a narrative that continuously points to the coming of the Messiah. Stories that give glimpses into Christ’s character and His purpose. Stories that vividly warn of God’s wrath and His intolerance for sin. Stories that reveal the hopelessness of mankind apart from the salvation of a Redeemer, a Savior for those who are lost and suffering. Stories that expose the hopelessness of trusting in the things of this world. 

In the New Testament we see the coming of Christ, God in the flesh, and in His life, we see His deep love and sacrifice for all those who would believe in Him. We see His call to us to step out of the ways of the world and into the kingdom. After the resurrection we see the birth of the church, a movement so powerful and unbelievable, a movement that would stand the test of time, a movement where survival is only possible by the power of God and the testimony of witnesses. All because of Jesus. We see in the epistles the call to be like Christ in every way and to share Him with the world and at the end of scripture, in the book of Revelation, we see the glorious hope of His return one day to redeem His Bride, the Church, from the destruction and chaos of a broken world and to establish the new eternal kingdom. 

As I read Acts 8:35 I was reminded that every bit of scripture points to Jesus in some way. Recognizing this in some parts of scripture can require diligent study. I think it is often too easy to read the scriptures and miss the focus on Christ because we become enamored with a concept, or the details of a story, or we find some way to link the message to ourselves for selfish reasons. We may even apply the teachings of scripture to our lives in a good way but more for personal reasons for the purpose of refining our character or to gain wisdom. Instead of from a spiritual perspective that develops an awe, adoration, love, and obedience to God. In that pursuit we essentially miss the point…Jesus Himself. 

As we are well into the Christmas season and fast approaching Christmas day, like what we just reflected on concerning the scriptures have we missed the point? Have we reflected on the true meaning and purpose of Christmas? As we commit to the shopping, the decorating, the cookie baking, the excessive eating, as we binge watch every Hallmark Christmas movie ever made, as we gather with friends and family, as we volunteer and give to nonprofit organizations and those in need, as we drown in the hustle and bustle and busyness of the modern-day Christmas season, as we give and receive gifts, do we fail to remember the Ultimate Gift…Jesus. The eternal gift. 

All these things listed are good in some way, but do we glorify God and worship Him in our pursuit of these things? Do we reflect on the fact that the Christmas season reminds us that the pages of history from creation to the end of days hinges on the birth of Christ? The coming of the Savior. A Savior who died to save us from the things that consume us, the things that weigh us down, the things that worry us, the things that control us, the things that distract us? The list goes on. How often do we remind ourselves that this season is really all about Jesus? It is just Jesus, no one else, no other way. Not Jesus and… Jesus or…

As I reflect on these things I am remind of the song “Give me Jesus” where the lyrics say “in the morning when I rise, give me Jesus,” “when I am alone, give me Jesus,” “when I come to die, give me Jesus,” “you can have all this world, give me Jesus.” In essence the songwriter recognizes that Jesus is the foundation and should be the central focus of all aspects of their lives. So when we read scripture, or celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter let us do like Phillip with the Ethiopian eunuch and beginning from the scriptures preach Jesus to ourselves and to those around us. Let us keep Him at the center of all we do. He is our hope, our joy, our salvation. 

I will finish with Hebrews 12:1-2 NASB

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Father, we thank you for the gift of Jesus, the One who gives eternal life to those who believe in Him. May we fix our eyes on the only One who can save us from this world and may we not be overcome by the pull, temptations, and distractions of this world. A world that so heavily influences everything we do, a world that seeks to lie to us and blind us from the truth. May we keep Christ at the center of all we do, and may you empower us by your Spirit to preach Jesus and only Jesus to ourselves and to those whom you place in our lives. May we never lose sight of the truth and trust in You always no matter what the circumstances may be. May you be glorified in everything we do and may your will be done in us and through us. 


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